Stuff from Instagram

Since I’ve deleted my Instagram account, this is an archive of all posts and their descriptions.
WORMSIGN! (Nov 5 2021)
WORMSIGN! This thing is far from finished. I started this project back in September, then took a break from… everything, and now I can’t make myself work on it anymore, while simultaneously feeling blocked by it. To unclog the creative pipes, here’s a rushed Maker with explosions borrowed from Google. " “A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.” And nope, haven’t seen the new Dune yet. LYNCH FOREVER.
#wormsign #worm #sandworm #dune #davidlynch #arrakis #shaihulud #blender3d #artwithopensource
iZombie (Jun 27 2021)
Daily quickie. After binging iZombie for three days straight, I just had to make a brain. Amazing show! Bon appétit!
#blender3d #brain #izombie #artwithopensource #brainfood #zombies #blendercommunity #bloody @thecwizombie
Sony Walkman (Jun 21 2021)
It’s been a while since I’ve loved a gadget as much as I love my Walkman. So I made a 3d model. Also depicted: best album of 2020, environment stolen from the After Laughter album cover, lazily applied fingerprints, rushed lighting. Not depicted: spite, beers, candles.
#sony #walkman #paramore #evermore #taylorswift #closure #hardtimes #afterlaughter #blender #blender3d #music #artwithopensource
Kitchen (May 12 2021)
Until I make something new, here’s another old project.
#kitchen #blender3d #blenderart #3d #artwithopensource #cokolino
Mandy (May 10 2021)
Here’s a quick render of the church/temple from Mandy (2018). Amazing movie and the best Nick Cage performance ever! I’ve been stuck in a Doom mapping contest for the last 2 months, so that took all of my free time. Hopefully I’ll get back on track and post more content in the future. Stay tuned
#blender #mandy #nicolascage #jesusfreaks #madewithopensource #blender3d
Queen’s Gambit (Nov 2 2020)
“I don’t know why my body is so intent on sabotaging my brain, when my brain is so perfectly capable of sabotaging itself.”
#queensgambit #chess #blender3d #greenpills #bethharmon #thequeensgambit
Pumpkins (Oct 17 2020)
I’m not special, I’m just broken And I don’t wanna be fixed
#halloween #exorciseyourdemons #pumpkins #cradleoffilth #evil #haunted #blender3d #blender #spoopy #wearechaos #marilynmanson
Bob Ross But Not Really (Aug 03 2020)
Not #blender but it’s #2020 compatible.
#krita #bobross #happylittleaccidents #babbysfirstwacom
X-Wings (May 1 2020)
Here’s another old one until I find something new I want to make. You can’t FORCE inspiration. It’s not gonna happen.
#midichlorians #xwing #blender #3d #blender3d #starwars #prequelssuck #sandgetseverywhere
Resistance is Futile (Apr 10 2020)
Resistance is futile! Rewatching Voyager and playing around with default cubes.
#startrek #borg #blender3d #sevenofnine #artwithopensource #quarantine #blender #borgcube
Cardboard Life (Mar 30 2020)
“Cardboard Life”
For when reality just sucks.
#blender3d #isolation #vr #virtualreality #loneliness #desolate #technology #3dmodeling
Don’t Go Outside (Jan 18 2020)
“Now is not the time to go outside / Crawl back into bed and close your eyes” - @impoppy
#blender #blender3d #chains #moody #dontgooutside #idisagree #poppy #wellbe #safeandsound #whenitallburnsdown
Dark Church (Mar 16 2018)
“With prophets and losses, And dead men from crosses, My fate is a preview of derelict Hell”
#cross #church #chains #hellraiser #cradleoffilth #cenobites #midian #blender3d #dark #depression #moody #atmospheric #altar #bloody
Absinthe with Faust (Mar 13 2018)
“What I possess, seems far away to me, and what is gone becomes reality.”
#absinthe #faust #blender3d #artwithopensource #cradleoffilth #absinthewithfaust #gothic #depression #moody #blender #candles #atmospheric #mephistopheles #marilymanson #heavenupsidedown